How EnesSMS Works


In this tutorial, we will learn how to use EnesSMS. So read this article carefully. There are all the necessary steps explained so read and know.

  1. First of All, Register For free Account
  2. Then, go to Login and log in to your account.
  3. Go to Devices from the sidebar menu after logging in.
  4. Click On the Add Device Button
  5. A popup will be displayed on the screen and in this popup you will see a link for Downloading Android APK
  6. Install APK on your Android mobile phone.
  7. Run APK after successful installation.
  8. Use the QR Code to log in and Scan the QR Code that is showing on the Poup Screen.
  9. your mobile phone is now connected to your EnesSMS account. keep using Zita SMS. thank You.



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